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Ways to Sit
Examples of ways your students may sit during Rug Time! This is a part of our bigger Rug Time Series.

Lining Up

ABC Posters
Alphabet posters for the classroom. The content is geared towards early education and introductory sounds. The text is editable.

Job Charts
Printable templates for job charts. Includes both pre-set and customizable sets.

Children sitting on a carpet watching their teacher. One of them has raised their hand to ask a question. This demonstrates the classroom rule Participate.

Keep Your Eyes on the Speaker
Children sitting on a carpet listening to another student present. Their eyes are on the student as they present. This demonstrates the classroom rule Keep Your Eyes on the Speaker.

Treat Everyone with Kindness
Two children playing with blocks. They are sharing the blocks. The image demonstrates the classroom rule Treat Everyone with Kindness.

Follow Directions the First Time
Image demonstrates children sitting on a rug around their teacher. The teacher has her pointer finger at her mouth to demonstrate that it is time to quiet down.

Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself
Children sitting side-by-side with legs crossed. Image demonstrates the classroom rule Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself.

Raise Your Hand for Permission to Leave Your Seat
Children sitting at their desks. They demonstrate raising their hand in order to leave their seat.

Make Smart Choices
Children choose healthy food over soda. Demonstrates a classroom rule, “Make Smart Choices.”

Active Listening at a Desk
Students demonstrate active listening at their desks.

Listen to Your Teacher
Teacher reading a book to her class. Demonstrates children actively listening to their teacher.

Rug Rules
Three children sitting cross-legged showing one rug position.