Career Video Series — Ashley Moy


CEO | Entrepreneur | Engineer

Subject Focus: Science, Math, History (human skeleton, muscular system, algebra, profitability, Transcontinental Railroad and Chinese immigrants)

Summary: Continuing in a long line of Chinese American entrepreneurs, Ashley is the CEO and co-founder of Cast 21. The video discusses the creativity necessary in her role as well as social-emotional challenges such as gender bias and racial prejudice.

Subject Focus: Science, Math, History (human skeleton, muscular system, algebra, profitability, Transcontinental Railroad and Chinese immigrants)

Summary: Continuing in a long line of Chinese American entrepreneurs, Ashley is the CEO and co-founder of Cast 21. The video discusses the creativity necessary in her role as well as social-emotional challenges such as gender bias and racial prejudice.


Career Video Series — Dr. Christine Izuakor


Classroom Participation